Christmas lights

If you are having trouble with your neighbour’s Christmas lights, please try talking to them to find a suitable solution.

We do not get involved with light and glare nuisances from Christmas lights on private property.  This is considered a civil matter between you and your neighbour.

Light and glare from private property

If you are having problems with light and glare from a neighbour’s property, it’s considered a civil issue. If your neighbours lighting is negatively impacting your home, talk to your neighbour and discuss options with them to help solve the problem.

We do not investigate complaints relating to light and glare on private properties.

  • Install timer or sensor lights and ensure lights are turned off when not required for safety or security reasons or when enhancing a night-time scene.
  • When buying external lights, consider their brightness. The lower the brightness, the less likely they will impact on neighbours. Warm white, lower lumen, light-emitting diode (LED) light globes should have less impact on neighbours.
  • Locate the light source as far as possible from neighbours and away from sensitive areas (e.g. bedroom windows and living areas).
  • Avoid placing the light near a light reflective surface and use existing features to hide the light source from view.
  • Wherever possible, direct light downwards, not upwards, to illuminate the target area. If there is no alternative to up-lighting, using shields will help keep spill light to a minimum.
  • Use specifically designed lighting equipment that, once installed, minimises the spread of light near to, or above the horizontal.
  • Don't over-light. Less is more for your neighbours and your electricity bill.
  • Ensure that the main beam angle of all lights directed towards any sensitive place is kept below 70 degrees. You can also use light shields to help minimise glare and the impact on neighbouring properties.