In March 2020, Council resolved to become a net zero emitter of greenhouse gases in its operations by 2030 and in the community by 2050. This means the amount of greenhouse gases we remove and avoid through initiatives like clean energy generation and tree planning, equals or exceeds those that we produce through activities such as through vehicle emissions and building infrastructure, resulting in an overall zero increase in emissions.

To meet this resolution, Sutherland Shire’s Climate Strategy is being developed within the framework of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy network, which we joined in July 2021.

The Sutherland Shire Climate Strategy includes the measurement of current greenhouse gas emissions for both the Council and the community. From this information we can set targets for reductions, implement actions to hit those targets and track and report our success. We’re confident we’ll be greenhouse gas neutral by 2030 - and doing our part in tackling climate change.

How much greenhouse gas is Council and Sutherland Shire emitting?

Council Emissions 2020/21

Our Environmental Science Unit has crunched the numbers and we’ve found that in the financial year 2020-21 council emitted 16,869 tonnes of greenhouse gas with the two largest sources being our electricity use and natural gas. Together this totalled 73% of our emissions. Our smallest source is from petrol, e10 and LPG which together make 1% on the chart.

Community Emissions 20/21

We also found that for the same period, our community released 1,979,018 tonnes of greenhouse gases. Electricity use was the largest source of emissions producing 50%, followed by transport at 30%, waste at 16%, gas at 3% and wastewater at 1%.

What will our emission reduction targets be?

Based on our 2020-2021 emissions, the following targets have been identified to get Council to Net Zero emissions by 2030:

  • 85% electrification of light passenger fleet, plant & equipment
  • 5% heavy fleet transition to fossil fuel alternatives (trucks, utes, etc)
  • 100% of energy supplied by non-fossil fuels
  • Four-fold increase in solar generation and storage
  • 80% of Council operational waste diverted from landfill
  • 20% reduction in construction embodied emissions

Based on our 2020-2021 emissions, the following targets have been identified to get our community Net Zero emissions by 2050:

  • Three-fold increase in roof top solar generation
  • 20% reduction of per person travel emissions
  • 80% of new passenger vehicles being electric
  • 80% of organic waste diversion from landfill
  • 30% of waste emissions reductions per person

Our journey to net zero emissions

Even as we’re developing the Sutherland Shire Climate Strategy, here’s some of what we’re doing:

  • Committing to renewable energy. In addition to the solar arrays currently installed on Council buildings, as of 1 July 2022, Council now sources 100% of its electricity from renewable sources.
  • Constructing roads from recycled materials, such as our Bundeena Drive roadworks.
  • Encouraging fossil fuel-free movement through our Active Transport Strategy.
  • Sequestering carbon locally, supporting biodiversity, and reducing the heat island effect through street tree planting and our Greenweb program.
  • Introducing electric vehicles to our corporate fleet, with plans for more.
  • Promoting the environment and sustainability across Council departments and daily business via our internal ‘Take Action and Go Green’ group.

The Pavilion Entertainment Centre Solar PanelsSolar panels at The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre,  30 Eton Street, Sutherland NSW

Case Study:  Council Going Off-Grid

  • The Anglers Club was originally connected to the main grid by 5 power poles that required replacement and going off-grid was found to be a significantly cheaper option than replacing them.
  • 22 solar panels were installed that can generate 11kW of energy an hour, and a battery that can hold 30kW of energy.
  • A new switchboard was also installed, and additional energy reduction updates were made, including a switch from floodlights to LED outdoor lights and an energy-efficient hot water heat pump system.
  • The off-grid system has been up and running since July 2023.
  • The removal of the powerlines has opened views for residents of Botany Bay.
  • The Anglers Club is now fully energy-independent, and there are no ongoing energy bills for Council.
  • This system will save approximately 1.7 tonnes of C02 emissions annually, the equivalent of 28.1 trees growing for 10 years.
