Woman sitting behind computer

My current role is Corporate Planning and Performance Advisor – this is my fifth role in 11 years at Council. I started as a Business Administration trainee, straight out of high school. I’ve been able to move around a lot, getting experience in different areas and challenging myself to learn new things – I’ve worked in the Public Safety and Lifeguards team, in the Property team as a Land Management Officer and then as a Property Business Partner, and now in the Corporate Planning and Performance team.

It was the Springboard program at work – a women’s career development program – that gave me the confidence to enrol in university. I completed my Bachelor of Business through distance education whilst continuing to work and develop my skillset with Council.

I love the diverse work that is done here at Council. One day, you are helping a not-for-profit organisation, and the next day you are working on a policy that will help Council’s long-term financial capacity.

Council has limitless opportunities for those wanting to progress – I’ve certainly embraced these and I’ll make the most of any more that come my way!