Wilson Parade, Heathcote

Project timeline

Project start:  July 2023

Expected completion:   September 2024

Project background

We’re following the adopted Heathcote Oval Masterplan to upgrade the Baseball and Soccer fields at the southern end of the complex.

Heathcote Oval is located at the end of Wilson Parade, adjoining the Royal National Park, and the fields are shared be a variety of sporting groups such as Cricket, Oztag, AFL and other activity groups like model airplanes.

Consultation with the community

Council consulted with the local community and sporting clubs throughout 2021 and the Heathcote Oval Masterplan was endorsed by Council in September 2022.  This project responds to our community feedback and the Sports Strategy.   Find out more about the Consultation.

We have completed the Stage 1 lighting upgrade, and the Dog Off-Leash Park.

Stage 2 consists of two projects:

  • Sports Lighting Upgrade (Stage 2) of the Baseball, Soccer, Cricket fields at the southern end of the complex
  • Sports Fields (Stage 2) is the reconfiguration of the Baseball and Soccer fields to provide upgraded playing surfaces, field conditions, and orientation for greater flexibility.

Project scope

Stage 2 work includes:

  • New increased power supply
  • New lighting with remote access controls and variable levels for training and competition. The lighting is by LED luminaires for reduced power consumption.
  • Re-orientation of the baseball diamonds so batters aren’t hitting towards the sun and provide a greater outfield.
  • Earthworks for improved field drainage
  • Irrigation
  • Fencing and dugouts
  • Dedicated spectator areas.

Impacts during construction

The power supply upgrade will commence shortly and won’t have any impacts on the complex.

The Lighting works will be carried out with minimal impact and is expected to be complete by September 2024.


The lighting upgrade is proudly funded by the NSW Government in partnership with Sutherland Shire Council.  The reconfiguration of fields is fully funded by Sutherland Shire Council.

We will look for alternative venue(s), and playing schedules may need to be adjusted until the works are complete.

The design intent is to provide an orientation that clears the soccer field from  the pitcher’s mounds.

The design intent is to provide irrigation to the fields in stages, commencing with the southern fields.

Plans are being prepared to carry out works to improve accessibility to the existing amenities in the short term. Long term plans include more extensive upgrades to the club buildings.