In accordance with Section 27 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Council is required to maintain a register that records information about each contract with a private company which has (or is likely to have) a value of $150,000 (incl. GST) or more.

This information must be available within 45 days of the contract becoming effective and continue to be available for either 20 working days or until the obligations under the contract have been satisfied, whichever is the longer period.

Council is not required to publish certain confidential information, including:

  • Commercial in-confidence provisions of a contract;
  • Details of any unsuccessful tender;
  • Any matter that could be reasonably expected to affect public safety or security; or
  • Information where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the record.

Further details are available on the NSW Information and Privacy Commission website.

Class 1 contractsClass 2 contractsClass 3 contracts

Contracts awarded by Sutherland Shire Council valued at $150,000 or more.

A Class 1 contract where:

- there has not been a tender process (such as a result of a direct negotiation); or

- where there has been a tender process and the terms and conditions of the contract have been substantially negotiated with the successful tenderer; or

- obligations include maintaining or operating infrastructure or assets could continue for 10 years or more; or

- it involves a privately finance project; or it involves a transfer of a significant asset of the agency to another party to the contract in exchange for transfer or an asset to the agency.

A Class 2 contract which has (or is likely to have) a value of $5 million or more.

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, there is provision for government agencies to not make all the details of a contract publicly available (either based on confidentiality or public interest considerations against disclosure of information).

We have reviewed our current Class 3 contracts, and in consideration of confidentiality and public interest disclosure, have made the decision to publish the following Class 3 contract information.

You can apply for more information about a Class 3 contract  through our Accessing Council information page.