Cr Greg McLean OAM

Councillor Greg McLean is currently serving his second term on Sutherland Shire Council, having first been elected in 2016.

Cr McLean has lived in Sutherland Shire for 30 years and is a recipient of the Order of Australia – an honour that recognises Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or meritorious service.

With a deep appreciation of the importance of preserving our natural environment – our access to parks, natural reserves, beaches and bays – Cr McLean is keen to support projects which deliver a high quality of life for local residents.

Cr McLean is a Trustee Director of an Industry Superannuation fund, and has extensive experience in public sector policy and reform, industrial relations, skills and training.

Cr McLean’s qualifications include; Graduate of the Advanced Trustee Director Course at Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees, Graduate of the Australian Institute Company Directors Course, Postgraduate Labour Law Course at University of Technology Sydney and Postgraduate Industrial Law Course at NSW Law Society.

Currently a member of the following Standing Committees:

  • Planning and Growth Committee
  • Infrastructure and Operations Committee
  • Shire Services Committee
  • Corporate Governance Committee

Currently a member of the following Sub-Committees:

  • Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee
  • Sutherland Consultative Traffic Forum (Chairperson)
  • Sutherland Traffic & Traffic Safety Committee (Chairperson)
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee

Currently a member of the following External Committee:

  • Sydney Coastal Councils Committee (Alternate Member)

Councillor Attendance Statistics - Council, Standing Committees and Councillor Briefings - July to December 2023 - PDF - 117 KB

Councillor attendance statistics for 2022/23 are published in the Annual Report for that period and are available here

Councillor attendance statistics for 2021/22 are published in the Annual Report for that period and are available here