Cr Diedree Steinwall

Councillor Diedree Steinwall is currently serving her third consecutive term on Sutherland Shire Council, having first been elected in 2012.

A resident of more than 35 years, Cr Steinwall is a local high school teacher, Justice of the Peace and has been actively involved in several community groups over many years.

Cr Steinwall is passionate about keeping residents informed on Council decisions and seeks to ensure local parks, playgrounds, sporting fields and leisure centres are fit for purpose and well-maintained.

With a strong interest in exploring solutions for more innovative waste technologies and practices, Cr Steinwall also maintains a keen focus on the need to support affordable housing, parking and pedestrian safety measures – particularly surrounding our major town centres. Her vision for the Sutherland Shire is a vibrant and active community which is proud of its rich local heritage, and one which is working towards a more sustainable future.

Cr Steinwall holds a Bachelor of Arts from Sydney University, a Diploma in Education and a Certificate in Counselling, and is interested in Japanese language and culture.

Currently a member of the following Standing Committees:

  • Planning and Growth Committee
  • Infrastructure and Operations Committee
  • Shire Services Committee
  • Corporate Governance Committee

Currently a member of the following Sub-Committees:

  • Arts & Culture Committee
  • Community Grants & Subsidies Committee
  • Environment & Sustainability Committee
  • Hazelhurst Arts Centre Board
  • Australia Day & Events Committee

Currently a member of the following External Committees:

  • NSW Public Library Association
  • Sutherland Shire Bushfire Management Committee (Alternate Member)

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Councillor Attendance Statistics - Council, Standing Committees and Councillor Briefings - July to December 2023 - PDF - 117 KB

Councillor attendance statistics for 2022/23 are published in the Annual Report for that period and are available here

Councillor attendance statistics for 2021/22 are published in the Annual Report for that period and are available here