- A ward
- CProvan@ssc.nsw.gov.au
- 0418246524
- Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499
- Independent
After 24 years of enjoying being a Councillor, I believe I still have more to contribute. I enjoy helping the community in their interactions with Council. I also want to help the newcomers to Council navigate the complexity of issues that arise.
I want to see Cronulla Mall upgrade completed and the iconic Gunnamatta Pavilion restored to its former beauty with a Cafe/Restaurant. A new Local Environment Plan is also due to be completed this term and this will be a challenge to meet the targets imposed on us.
My vision for the future of Sutherland Shire is to ensure we have a good balance between the requirements of development and ensuring we keep the character of the Shire. I want to see the tree canopy increase.
I have been a Fashion Stylist for major hotel groups and a Compere. I am a registered civil celebrant and Justice of the Peace.
I have been recognised by Local Government NSW for Service to the Community and I was also awarded an OAM in January 2024 for Service to the Community.
My interests and hobbies include walking, spending time with my grandchildren, enjoying our waterways - especially Port Hacking- and travelling.
I am a member of Civil Celebrants Association of Australia and a member of Cronulla RSL and Royal Motor Yacht Club.
Currently a member of the following:
- Infrastructure Standing Committee (Deputy Chairperson)
- Access and Inclusion Reference Group (Deputy Chairperson)
- Annual Community Grants and Subsidies Working Party (Chairperson)
- Hazelhurst Arts Centre Board
- Sutherland Shire Crime Prevention Community Safety Precinct Committee
- Sydney South Planning Panel
NOTE: No Standing Committees were held between October to December 2024.