Cr Carmelo Pesce

As a lifelong resident of Sutherland Shire and a long-standing successful local business owner, I am committed to promoting further improvements to our local open spaces, parks, and playgrounds. My goal is to create destinations that highlight Sutherland Shire’s beautiful environment and foster a more connected community where residents continue to embrace active lifestyles.

I am a strong advocate for the delivery of new and improved infrastructure. I am keenly focused on enhancing core council services such as roads, footpaths, and waste collection, and ensuring our Council’s financial management is on a firm footing.

I am also eager to support local businesses to provide more opportunities for residents to come together and celebrate our vibrant community.

I am now serving my fourth consecutive term as a Sutherland Shire Councillor, after first being elected to Council in 2012. I have served as Deputy Mayor in 2014 before going on to serve eight years as Mayor of Sutherland Shire.

I have previously served as a Board Director of Local Government NSW (LGNSW), the peak representative body for councils across the state, and have been recognised by LGNSW in their Service Awards as Emeritis Mayor for my contribution to local government.

I served as a member of the Kamay 2020 Project Board, a joint State and Federal government project to advance plans to further recognise Kamay Botany Bay National Park in Kurnell as the place of the meeting of two cultures.

I am a long-standing local business owner, running a shop fitting business and several cafes and restaurants across Sutherland Shire.

I am a car enthusiast who loves classic and vintage cars. I enjoy spending time with family and friends in my local community, out on the water or down South Coast.

Currently a member of the following:

  • Planning Standing Committee (Chairperson)
  • Business and Industry Reference Group (Chairperson)
  • Sport and Active Communities Reference Group
  • Resource Recovery and Waste Management Reference Group
  • Pavilion Performing Arts Centre Board (Chairperson)
  • Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils

Councillor Attendance Statistics | Council and Councillor Briefings | October to December 2024. - PDF - 143 KB

NOTE: No Standing Committees were held between October to December 2024.