MEDIA RELEASE - Provide your feedback to help shape the future of Sutherland Shire

Sutherland Shire Council is calling on all residents to help shape the future of our community by providing feedback on the draft Community Plan. The draft Community Plan outlines a bold long-term vision for Sutherland Shire, setting out our community’s vision, aspirations, and priorities for the next 10 years, along with strategies for achieving them.

The draft Community Plan has been meticulously crafted in partnership with our community, incorporating voices, feedback, and ideas to shape its aspirations. The plan is reviewed every four years and serves as a guide for planning and prioritising services and resources. It also informs the detailed four-year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan.

Sutherland Shire Mayor, Councillor Jack Boyd said the vision for Sutherland Shire is to be a connected and safe community that respects people and nature, enjoying active lives in a strong local economy.

“We want Sutherland Shire to continue being a community where life thrives and to achieve this vision, the Community Plan identifies four key themes, underpinned by a fifth theme focusing on Council’s leadership role.

“These focus on promoting environmental sustainability and preserving natural resources, encouraging active lifestyles and vibrant places and spaces, fostering economic growth and connectivity within the community, ensuring well-planned development and enhancing liveability, and demonstrating transparent and effective governance that supports community collaboration in decision-making.

“Council is committed to ensuring the draft Community Plan meets the aspirations of its residents so we’re inviting community members to provide their feedback until Thursday, 27 March 2025.

“There are several ways to share your thoughts, online via the feedback form available on the Council’s website or in person at one of our information stalls taking place across Sutherland Shire this week and next.

“With your input, we can ensure that Sutherland Shire remains a place where life flourishes and everyone can enjoy an active, vibrant, and prosperous lifestyle.”

Residents can drop by one of the following information stalls to discuss the draft plan with the project team:

Thursday, 6 March - 9:30am to 12pm at Cronulla Plaza, near Cronulla Post Office.

Wednesday, 12 March - 9:30am to 12pm at Engadine Town Centre, outside Engadine Community Centre.

Saturday, 15 March – 8am to 1pm at Shire Farmers’ Market, Flora Street Car Park, Sutherland.

For more information about the draft Community Plan and to provide feedback online, visit

Following the community consultation period, Council will review and consider all feedback, may make changes to the draft based on the feedback, then will finalise the Plan for endorsement.