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Council Meetings (except for closed sessions), are open to members of the public to attend.
At Ordinary Council Meeting's only, eligible members of the community are able to address Council on reports and motions listed on the Order of Business to be considered at that Meeting.
If you wish to speak at an Ordinary Council Meeting, applicants must meet one of the following Eligibility Criteria and agree to abide by the conditions of the Sutherland Shire Council Code of Meeting Practice and Public Forum Policy.
To register to address Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting, please submit the below Public Forum Application Form, no later than 5pm on the Thursday prior to the Meeting.
Some things you need to know about speaking at an Ordinary Council Meeting:
You will be contacted no later than 5pm the Friday prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting to confirm if your application has been successful.
Required fields are denoted by *
(If remote, a Microsoft Teams link will be sent to your above email address on the day of the Meeting, together with relevant instructions)
By registering to address Council at a Public Forum speakers confirm that they meet the required criteria and agree: