Sutherland Traffic and Traffic Safety Committee (STC)

The STC reviews Council’s proposals to:

  • install, remove or modify traffic and parking controls
  • regulate traffic
  • provide special event parking schemes.

Sutherland Consultative Traffic Forum (CTF)

The CTF advises Council on other traffic and parking matters.

Membership of the committees

Formal members include:

  • Council
  • Transport for NSW (TfNSW)
  • NSW Police Force
  • Local State MP

Advisory members include:

  • Council staff
  • Bus operators

How can I participate?

The Chairperson may allow residents or other interested parties to address the committees on matters listed on the agenda, under the following conditions:

You must register no later than 5:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the meeting.

  • Presentations are limited to five-minutes and must focus on the technical merits of a particular proposal.
  • If you have previously addressed the committee on a subject, you must present new information.
  • Groups wishing to present similar views should nominate a spokesperson.
  • You may not stay at the meeting during discussion and voting.

Further information can be found in the Sutherland Traffic and Traffic Safety Committee Terms of Reference and the Sutherland Consultative Traffic Forum Terms of Reference.

To apply to address the Committee or Forum on meeting agenda items, please submit the Public Forum Application Form below.

Application Form to speak at a meeting.


Business papers and minutes from past meetings.

Local Traffic Committees operate under: