Sutherland Traffic and Traffic Safety Committee (STC)

The STC reviews Council’s proposals to:

  • install, remove or modify traffic and parking controls
  • regulate traffic
  • provide special event parking schemes.

Sutherland Consultative Traffic Forum (CTF)

The CTF advises Council on other traffic and parking matters.

Membership of the committees

Formal members include:

  • Council
  • Transport for NSW (TfNSW)
  • NSW Police Force
  • Local State MP

Advisory members include:

  • Council staff
  • Bus operators

How can I participate?

The Chairperson may allow residents or other interested parties to address the committees on matters listed on the agenda, under the following conditions:

You must register no later than 5:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the meeting.

  • Presentations are limited to five-minutes and must focus on the technical merits of a particular proposal.
  • If you have previously addressed the committee on a subject, you must present new information.
  • Groups wishing to present similar views should nominate a spokesperson.
  • You may not stay at the meeting during discussion and voting.


Business papers and minutes from past meetings.

Local Traffic Committees operate under: