The Hazelhurst Exhibition Panel assess the annual applications for the Broadhurst Gallery and the Artist in Residence program. As a representative, you'll collaborate with experts and Council officials to support the delivery of the following objectives:
- support a diverse annual exhibition program
- support early and mid-career Australian artists
- support southern Sydney based artists, groups, organisations and collectives
- ensure exhibitions are of a high quality and presented in a professional manner and in accordance with the exhibition selection criteria and guidelines
- promote the unique cultural identity of southern Sydney
- provide opportunities for visitors and specifically the southern Sydney community to engage with contemporary Australian art in this region
- support the creative economy.
To be eligible to be a community representative, you must:
- possess relevant experience or qualifications,
- have been born, currently live, or have previously lived for a period of no less than 5 years, within the LGA of Sutherland Shire Council or the St George area,
- be willing to attend and contribute to the Hazelhurst Arts Centre Exhibition Panel meetings, held at least two times per year.
We encourage participation on the Hazelhurst Exhibition Panel from diverse members of our community, and welcome expressions of interest from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, and individuals of diverse ages, cultures and experiences.
You will have a responsibility to understand and follow our Code of Conduct for Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisers.
You are ineligible to be a representative on the Hazelhurst Exhibition Panel if you:
- have a close personal or business relationship with a Sutherland Shire Councillor or a person who has a senior role at Sutherland Shire Council that may lead to a real or perceived conflict of interest; or
- are currently providing, or in the past 3 years have provided, any material goods or services – including consultancy, legal, internal audit or advisory services – to Sutherland Shire Council which directly affect subjects or issues considered by the Committee; or
- are employed in any role that may lead to a real or perceived conflict of interest.
About the role
Representatives will be appointed for up to a four-year term.We will advise successful applicants early-April 2025, with your role to commence soon after.
The Hazelhurst Exhibition Panel meets at least two times a year, and will be held at Hazelhurst Arts Centre.
As a representative, you are expected to read and review documents provided before each meeting.
The Hazelhurst Arts Centre Exhibition Panel will be composed of :
- Senior Manager Arts and Libraries
- Hazelhurst Arts Centre Director
- Hazelhurst Curator Exhibitions and Programs
- Six community representatives including:
- Two local professional artists
- Two local art educators
- Two local community members
We will provide induction training to assist you as a new representative and offer ongoing support during your term of appointment.
This is a voluntary position, there is no remuneration.
How to apply
Contact us with any questions you have on or by phone on 8536 5700.
Useful links
Public Art Advisory Panel EOI - Seeking local artists to support the delivery of Council’s Cultural Strategy and Public Art Plan