Ask us a question, report a problem, lodge a request or provide your feedback.

If you have an emergency click here to find out where to get help.

Report the following:

Your residential bin wasn't collected

If your entire street or residential multi-dwelling complex bins have been missed please call us.

Missed garbage (red lid) bin

Missed recycling (yellow lid) bin

Missed garden (green lid) bin

Your residential bin is damaged, lost or stolen

Damaged, lost or stolen garbage (red lid) bin

Damaged, lost or stolen recycling (yellow lid) bin

Damaged, lost or stolen garden (green lid ) bin

Find out more about what can I put in my bin?

If you're reporting a dog attack or dogs roaming off leash and it is happening now, call us immediately on 9710 0333.

Ask us about:

Dog or cat registration or microchipping

Updating your pet's details or pay your registration

Registering or microchipping your pet

Dog or cat issues

Lost and found dog or cat

Barking dogs

Nuisance cats

Other animals

Native animals

Insects, wild/feral animals or pests

Dead animal on Council land

Dead deer on Council land

If you wish to report:

Please note to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of personal and government information Sutherland Shire Council does not engage in communication with unauthorised third parties on behalf of individuals.


Our commitment to our customers

Tell us how we are doing

Your feedback on our service, processes and decisions helps us evolve, and we want your views on what we are doing right and where we could improve.

We value your feedback and we are committed to dealing with all feedback fairly, confidentially, promptly and respectfully.

Provide feedback to Council

We will always respect your privacy when you lodge any feedback or complaint. Your personal details will remain confidential, unless we are legally required to provide them. More information is outlined in our Privacy Management Plan.