Ask us a question, report a problem, lodge a request or provide your feedback.
If you have an emergency click here to find out where to get help.
Make a payment (rates, invoices, and animal registrations)
How to access Council information
Let us know about the following:
Missed garbage (red lid) bin for a single residential property
Fallen branches or trees on Council land
Illegally parked cars, trucks or other vehicles
Tree/s on Council land requires an inspection (pruning, removal or other tree conditions)
Report the following:
Your residential bin wasn't collected
If your entire street or residential multi-dwelling complex bins have been missed please call us.
Missed recycling (yellow lid) bin
Your residential bin is damaged, lost or stolen
Damaged, lost or stolen garbage (red lid) bin
Damaged, lost or stolen recycling (yellow lid) bin
Damaged, lost or stolen garden (green lid ) bin
Find out more about what can I put in my bin?
Ask us about:
Other waste questions
Other issues with rubbish (e.g. cockatoos, green waste vouchers, fees)
Our waste prevention and recycling programs
Applying for an extra residential bin
Household chemical cleanout collections
Report the following:
Public waste bins
Overflowing or damaged public garbage bin (street, park, reserve)
Overflowing or damaged public recycling (yellow lid) bin
Commercial waste bins
Missed, damaged or missing Council commercial waste bin
Illegal dumping
For any maintenance on state roads, contact Transport for NSW:
Maintenance or repairs
Request maintenance or report damage for the following:
Road damage including potholes
Overgrown vegetation or mowing
Playground equipment and soft play areas
Parking or traffic signs (missing/damaged)
Plumbing (leaks, blockages, taps, toilets, showers)
Stormwater drains (broken, blocked)
Kerb and gutters (cracked, broken)
Broken windows, glass doors or mirrors
Electrical (BBQs, lights, power points)
Streetlights (broken, not working)
For any cleaning on state roads, contact Transport for NSW:
Request cleaning for the following:
Click here to pay your rates notice
Ask us about:
Updating your postal address for rates
Updating other details for rates
Requesting a copy of a rates notice
Setting up direct debit to pay for your rates
Setting up a payment arrangement
General questions about your rates
Please check out our Rates FAQs for common rates questions.
If you're reporting a dog attack or dogs roaming off leash and it is happening now, call us immediately on 9710 0333.
Ask us about:
Dog or cat registration or microchipping
Updating your pet's details or pay your registration
Registering or microchipping your pet
Dog or cat issues
Other animals
Insects, wild/feral animals or pests
If you wish to report:
- a dead animal in a national park, contact NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
- a dead animal on a Transport for NSW road, contact Transport for NSW
- a sick or injured native animal, contact WIRES.
If you see fallen powerlines, stay at least 8 metres (or 2 car lengths) away for your safety. Report them to Ausgrid by calling 13 13 88 (available 24/7).
If a tree or branch is touching powerlines, contact Ausgrid.
Report or request the following:
Trees on public or Council land
Pick up fallen branches or trees on the ground
Tree inspection (pruning, removal or other tree conditions)
Suspicious or unauthorised tree works
Trees on private land
Application to remove or prune trees on private land
Follow up on your application to remove or prune trees on your property
Lodge a replacement tree form (deed of agreement or replacement advice form)
Concerns about a neighbouring tree
Ask us about:
Parking and vehicles
Illegally parked cars, trucks or other vehicles
Unattended cars, trucks or other vehicles
Use of E-bikes or E-scooters in the Sutherland Shire
Cronulla residents parking permit scheme
Traffic and transport
Ask us about:
Environmental concerns
Pollution (noise, air and water)
Concerns about intrusive lighting from private properties
Environmental Issues (e.g. Climate and Sustainability)
Public health
Concerns about a food business
Overgrown or untidy private property
Beauty, body art or skin penetration pratices
Other illegal activity
Search the status or progress of a Development Application on the DA tracker
Ask us about:
General planning information
Local planning controls, environmental considerations and design guidelines.
(e.g. what can I do on my property, demolition, business use, CDC requirements, subdvision)
Lodgement information
How we plan for the future
Other approvals
Community and sporting banners
Book a landscape inspection for a Development Application
Food business licensing, registration or fees
Swimming pool requirements and inspections
Spatial and geography (property addressing, school project, GIS)
Ask us about:
Our parks and reserves
Finding a local park and reserves in the Sutherland Shire
Finding a playground in the Sutherland Shire
Our catchments and waterways
Boat ramps, jettys, wharves, ocean pools and tidal baths
How we manage and protect our waterways (stormwater, flood risk, waterways and coastal managements)
Our beaches
Ocean safety and lifeguards (webcam, accessibility, education)
Environmental Issues in your area
Ask us about:
Business support
How we can support your business
Permits, licences and regulations
Food business licensing, registration or fees
Casual leasing and product sampling
Planning an event in the Sutherland Shire
Council community venues
Find and book community venues
Hold a ceremony or school picnic
Doing business with Council
Ask us about:
Upcoming events we are organising
What's on in the Sutherland Shire?
Community support
Council community venues
Find and book community venues
Hold a ceremony or school picnic
Hazelhurt Arts Centre
Leisure Centres
Please note to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of personal and government information Sutherland Shire Council does not engage in communication with unauthorised third parties on behalf of individuals.

Tell us how we are doing
Your feedback on our service, processes and decisions helps us evolve, and we want your views on what we are doing right and where we could improve.
We value your feedback and we are committed to dealing with all feedback fairly, confidentially, promptly and respectfully.
We will always respect your privacy when you lodge any feedback or complaint. Your personal details will remain confidential, unless we are legally required to provide them. More information is outlined in our Privacy Management Plan.