There is no commitment required; just turn up ready to share your thoughts. Each month a book from classic literature is selected by the group to be read for the following meeting.

July meeting: Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf [cover image]

As Mrs Dalloway works on the preparations for a dinner party, her thoughts throughout the day wander from memories of the past to interrogations about the present and lead her to assess the choices she has made in life and love. Her monologue interweaves with the account of the distress, on that same day, of the shell-shocked veteran Septimus Warren Smith, whose trauma and hallucinations end in tragedy, as the links between the two characters unfold.

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The Fine Print

It is up to you to source a copy of the selected book.

The library does have some copies for loan, but these are available for all library members to borrow so may be unavailable. You may be able to reserve a copy or find it via one of our digital collections. Alternatively, we may be able to source a copy from another library service via our interlibrary loans service (standard charges apply).

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Contact Sutherland Library for more information.