Everyone is welcome at this open book group. Just turn up ready to share your thoughts.

July meeting: The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon

The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon [cover image]

Maine, 1789: When a man is found entombed in the frozen Kennebec River, Martha Ballard is summoned to examine the body and determine cause of death. As the local midwife and healer, Martha is good at keeping secrets. Her diary is a record of every birth, death and debacle that unfolds in the town of Hallowell. In that diary she has also documented the details of an alleged rape committed by one of the town's most esteemed gentlemen – the same man who has now been found dead in the ice. While certain townspeople are eager to put both matters to rest, Martha suspects that the two crimes are linked, and that there is more to both cases than meets the eye. Over the course of one long, hard winter, whispers and prejudices mount, and Martha's diary lands at the centre of the scandal, threatening to tear both her family and her community apart

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The library has some copies of this title reserved for attendees; check with the staff at Cronulla Library for availability. Alternatively, you may be able to find a copy in our general collection. If all copies are in use, we may be able to source a copy from another library service via our interlibrary loans service (standard charges apply).

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