The Koalas (2024) is a documentary film directed by Hazelhurst Film Club curators Georgia Wallace-Crabbe and Gregory Miller. On the East Coast Australia, where forests meet the urban fringe, koalas face unprecedented challenges. The Koalas sheds light on a disturbing truth: the very entities entrusted with safeguarding our iconic species are contributing to their demise.

The film takes us on a journey following the lives of individual koalas, Wonnie, Bexley, Tom, Baz and joeys Hope and Pala. Through engagement with scientists and wildlife carers, viewers learn about the unique characteristics of koalas, the bond with their young, and their individual personalities. These koalas become ambassadors for all creatures striving against the many threats to their survival.

Directors: Gregory Miller and Georgia Wallace-Crabbe

Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Language: English

Screening dates and times:

  • Monday 2 September: 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 5 September: 2:00PM*
  • Sunday 8 September: 11:00 AM

*When available Thursday screenings are specially subtitled for our hearing-impaired audience members, ensuring an inclusive experience for all.

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