A six panelled drawing, 3 portraits of a teenage boy pulling different faces and three of different flowers.

Casimir Catholic College

Gadigal and Wangal Country

Ticced Off


Coloured pencil on paper

Ticced Off represents my anxiety and its manifestation as motor tics. Just as the tics contort and deform my face, the flowers beneath each portrait become dishevelled, exploring the effects of stress within the environment. Each flower has cultural associations with providing stress relief and calming effects, yet the notion of comfort is subverted. The looped clock sound represents the unending, cyclical nature of life, while the ‘ticking’ acts as a play on words. The sound is intended to affect the audience’s response to my body of work, and extend its examination of how we experience stress.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the artist CJ Hendry.

ARTEXPRESS 2024 is a collaboration between NSW Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority, curated and presented by Hazelhurst Arts Centre.