Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts
Entropy; Emun, Methuselah, Azael
Charcoal on paper
My body of work explores the fragility and disorder of faith, using biblical symbolism derived from my personal experiences. The deer horns on Emun reference the conviction of a deer in search of water. Its revealed neck an acceptance of vulnerability. Azael, with the ram horns of salvation, is often connected with malevolence. It has contrasting elements of faith to those found in Emun, such as guilt and shame. Methuselah represents the culmination of my spiritual journey followed through Emun and Azael. I have deep connections to elderly figures in my personal life and their commitment to faith.
My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Kelvin Okafor, Arinze Stanley Egbengwu, Oscar Ukonu, and Dylan Eakin.