Three black and white drawings, each depicting a different age group and a struggle they experience in corrupt societies.

St Maroun's College

The Plight of the People Series


Charcoal on paper

My body of work explores the plight of young people amid societal corruption and mismanagement and the impact of this corruption on the experiences of a nation's people. Inspired by current political and economic circumstances in Lebanon and other countries where young people suffer inordinately, each piece represents the struggles of a different age group, inviting viewers to empathise more deeply. My process involved carefully using charcoal to create a stark contrast between shadows and highlights, expressing a dramatic mood. Central to my work is the use of clear backgrounds, the blocking of charcoal, and dynamic figures.

My artmaking practice has been influenced by the study and interpretation of the following artists: Robert Longo, Kahlil Gibran, and Baroque artists.