Two grids of nine photographs each of nature and street scenes that have been edited .

Inaburra School

Seeking Sanctuary


Digital drawing, photography, timber, foam board, Perspex

My body of work forms an interactive exploration of the desire to escape the confines of a fast-paced living environment and to seek serenity and sanctuary within one’s home or within a natural landscape. I highlight the emotional connections people feel in vast and beautiful landscapes through accumulations of photography, digital drawing and short poems. The sliding panels represent our ability to travel to and from these locations as we seek escapism, whereas the house frames are fixed, to represent the solid foundation and comfort found within the walls of our homes.

ARTEXPRESS was a joint partnership between The New South Wales Department of Education and NSW Education Standards Authority in association with Hazelhurst Arts Centre.

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An artistic orange brushstroke design forms abstract shapes on a white background. Overlaid on the design is the word "artexpress" in a sleek, modern black font. The orange brush strokes appear dynamic and free-flowing, with splatters and tapered ends.Simplified waratah flower in deep red colour with the words NSW Government in dark blue stacked underneath.