An illustrative looking blue etching depicting an arial perspective of a boat on the water with a pod of over large manta rays moving below it.

Image: Nicole Low Wonderous Fever (detail) solar plate etching. Courtesy the artist,

2 June to 13 June 2023

A biennial exhibition showcasing works by members of the Southern Printmakers Association, this time with a focus on the artists interpretation of inside and out.


Lorraine Avery

Claire Brach

Frances Caruana

Marion Chapman

Lee Downes

Christine Druitt-Preston

Rosalie Duligal

Catherine B. Fisher

Catherine Garbutt

Julie Holohan

Melissa Honor

Judy Howe

Georgia Lambropoulos

Nicole Low

Dior Mahnken

Stephanie McCready

Vivian Messimeris

Bunty Mitchell

Sol Pandiella-McLeod

Michelle Rogers

Marta Romer

Max Samways

Jan Schuster-Callus

Carol Shaw

Laura Stark

Aida Tully

Kate McPhillamy

William O’Toole

Breanna Taylor

Logo of Southern Printmakers Association which features text in bold with a small black abstract symbol at the beginning.