Chemical waste - household chemical CleanOut event

Bring your chemical waste to this event to ensure it is recycled and does not end up in landfill.

assorted chemicals

Event details

Council hosts two Chemical CleanOut events per year to help residents clear out their household items the right way.
Bring your household chemical waste  to this event to ensure it is recycled and does not end up in landfill.
These events are held at Bellingara Netball Car Park, 99-105 Bellingara Road, Miranda, 9am-3:30pm. 
If our scheduled collection dates do not suit, please visit the EPA website for other chemical collection dates across Sydney.
Please safely store your household problem waste in clearly labelled containers, in a cool dry place away from children and pets.

Materials accepted:

  • Paint and paint related products
  • Pesticides / herbicides and other garden chemicals
  • Poisons
  • Motor oils, fuels and fluids
  • Batteries, household and car
  • Gas bottles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Oils
  • Pool chemicals
  • Acids and alkalis
  • Hobby chemicals
  • Smoke alarms
  • Solvents and household cleaners
  • Ammonia based cleaners
  • Fluorescent globes and tubes
  • Oil filled heater
  • Only household quantities accepted (20L or 20kg), except paint. Up to 100L (in 20L containers) of paint accepted.

    Transporting your materials safely

    Transporting your materials safely to a CleanOut collection is important. Here are some top tips for safe storage and transportation:

    Ensure containers are clearly labelled and well-sealed. If you do not know the contents, label the container ‘UNKNOWN CHEMICAL’.

    Wherever possible keep all chemicals in their original containers.

    Never mix chemicals as this may produce dangerous reactions.

    Liquid can leak during transportation. Wrap old or damaged containers in newspaper, place in a sturdy plastic bag and then in a plastic container or tray.

    Keep household chemicals away from passengers e.g. in the boot.

    For other locations, please visit EPA Household Chemical CleanOut or call the Environment Line on 131 555.

Council staff may take photos and or videos at this event. We might use those images in our publications, on website or social media or other communications. Please tell a staff member on the day if you don't want your image used.

Council staff may take photos and or videos at this event. We might use those images in our publications, on website or social media or other communications. Please tell a staff member on the day if you don't want your image used.

assorted chemicals

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