Each S355 committee is responsible for managing and responding to all enquires and requests related to the venue they are responsible for.

All hire of Council venues are subject to our Terms and Conditions and Hire of Facilities Community Centres Fees & Charges - PDF - 836 KB.

While each S355 committee manages their own bookings, all Council venues are hired on the principles of:

  • Equitable access for residents;
  • Transparency in hirer and allocations;
  • Encouraging diverse usage and;
  • Service and activities that cater to the community.

To ensure fair and equitable access to Council venues, Council and S355 committees are only able to enter into a maximum 12 month hire agreement.

All booking arrangements are reviewed annually to ensure no single hirer dominates the venue, no hirer can claim ownership over a specific space or allocated time and that diversity of programs and services is maintained.

For the hire of S355 committee run venues all hirers must submit a Hire Application form for each booking period (no longer than 12 months). For hire of Council venues, we allow 48 hours for acknowledgement of hire requests.

Booking contact details for each venue are listed on our booking page at:

Maianbar Community Hall, Como School of Arts, Gymea Community Centre and Sandy Point Community Centre.

The S355 committee is responsible for representing the interests of the community and adhering to legislation and relevant Council policies and procedures in regards to all matters related to the venue.

For any additional enquiries or feedback please contact our Community Venues team via communityvenues@ssc.nsw.gov.au

Council’s vision and expectations for use of Community Venues is driven by our Community Venues Strategy.

The strategy sets service standards, social outcomes and operational goals for these valued community assets.

The S355 committees support the community by working with Council to achieve the community outcomes and actions endorsed by Council.

A Usage Report must be submitted to Council every 3 months.

The Usage Report notes total hours hired, average usage per week and a list of regular hirers as well as a summary of casual hire and functions held.

This is reviewed by the S355 committee and Council to ensure the venue is well utilised and continues to be accessible and inclusive for the community.

The S355 committees are not permitted to hold a liquor licence.

Casual facility hirers must apply for a Limited licence - single function permit for functions where alcohol is to be sold.