The S355 Committee consists of between 5 – 11 community members. 3 of the S355 committee members are nominated by the S355 committee to 3 Executive Office Bearer positions that are approved by Council each year.

RoleMandatoryNomination and AppointmentDelegations
Chairperson YES AnnuallyYES
General RepresentativeYESInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeYESInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
General RepresentativeNOInitial nomination onlyNO
Other RolesNOAnnuallyNO

To ensure fairness and transparency, Executive Office Bearers are limited to a maximum term of three consecutive years. This means an office bearer after three years must not hold any other office bearer position for a year. Office bearers may hold terms longer than three years providing the S355 committee agrees to annual performance review and audit and arrangements are approved by Council.

The remaining members of the S355 committee are general members (community representatives) who are entitled to discuss and vote on matters at meetings. The S355 committee forwards all endorsed nominations endorsed to Council for approval.

If an Executive Office Bearer position holding delegation becomes vacant due to resignation then the S355 committee must re-nominate a person for the position to Council within 90 days.

Executive Office Bearers hold all delegations and responsibility for the conduct and operation of the community venue. The remaining S355 committee members, while they may act in an administrative support role, they do not hold any formal delegation. Executive Officer Bearers are responsible for all functions and delegations within their role.

These general delegations are:

  • Where authorised by the committee, to execute hire agreements for the occupation of the venue specified above having a term of one year or less where the consideration is less than $25,000 per annum and where the transactions generally or specifically are authorised by Council’s adopted fees & charges.

  • To return surety deposits and performance bonds either cash or bank guarantee, taken in respect to any hire agreement in respect to the hire of the community venue on behalf of the Council.
  • To approve with the Treasurer or Chairperson of hirer refunds in respect of all overpayments or credit adjustments arising from the operations of community venue which are not legitimately due to Council.

To respond to correspondence that in the opinion of the CEO does not require consideration of the Council and to sign all correspondence as nominated by the Director – Shire Services as follows:

  • Concerning individual hire agreements
  • Carrying out of works of under $1000 in value where procurement guidelines have been followed

The following correspondence shall not be signed or sent:

  • Correspondence to Councillors, Members of Parliament or solicitors
  • Admitting liability for any incident
  • Accepting any quotations or contracts for works , materials or services having a value of greater than $1000

  • To check the amounts and calculations in accounts or invoices submitted to the committee under any contract or agreement by suppliers of goods and services and determine whether the money claimed in those accounts or invoices is proper in respect of the relevant contract or agreement and if so pay, to the monetary limit as stated in the Clause “Purchase of Goods, Works and Services”, in this Delegation the relevant account or invoice or so much of it as is determined to be proper.
  • To act as co-signatory of payments where delegated by the committee.

  • To carry on the regular operations and services of the venue within the sums voted by the committee for expenditure therein within the Budget allocation for which you have responsibility that is not subject to any contract or agreement for the purchase of goods, works and services, and to check the amounts and calculations in those accounts or invoices and pay the relevant account or invoice.
  • To engage contractors only where the contractor provides, appropriate insurances, licences and qualifications, and a compliant WHS system to the committee and the contractor has been inducted onto the site

To obtain quotations and to authorise the purchase of goods, works and services (excluding consultants) and to incur expenditure for goods, works and services subject to:

  • Expenditure not exceeding $1,000 (excluding Goods and Services Tax if applicable) in any one transaction; and
  • Funds for such expenditure having been authorised by the committee for the operational activities of the venue.

* This Clause does not authorise the delegate to execute any agreements or contracts on behalf of the Council other than individual hire agreements or contracts having a value of less than $1000.