Local citizens and representatives of user groups are encouraged to become members of the S355 committee. Membership may be between five and eleven persons.
The S355 Committee comprises members directly appointed by Council and those nominated by the S355 committee and subsequently approved by Council.
All appointments to the S355 committee are by way completion of a Nomination Form and CEO and Mayoral approval. All new and renewed appointments will not take effect until approved by the CEO and the Mayor and until written notification is provided by Council.
The S355 committee are responsible for notifying Council in writing of a resignation or an approach from an individual for appointment.
If a member of the S355 committee is absent for three consecutive meetings without notice to the committee their position is automatically vacated. In extraordinary cases such as serious illness council may grant leave of absence for an extended period provided the absence does not materially diminish the quorum or effectiveness of the S355 committee.
The following persons are restricted from being members of the S355 Committee:
- Commercial hirers of the venue;
- Those persons having a private financial interest in property or business in the immediate vicinity of the venue, other than as a private residence, which is likely to be a recurrent source of conflict of interest;
- A person who is paid regularly by the S355 Committee for services such as a cleaner or booking officer; and
- A Councillor or employee of Council, unless directly appointed by the Council.
Membership of the S355 committee must not be dominated in numerical terms from the same organisation, user group or household.