As the operators of the community venue the S355 committee is responsible for adhering to, monitoring and managing requirements under guiding legislation and Council policies.

The S355 committees operate as a Committee of Council and are bound by relevant Council’s policies, procedures and guidelines.

Sutherland Shire Council is committed to transparent and ethical decision-making processes. Council staff, Councillors and S355 Committees as delegates of Council must comply with the provisions of these codes.

S355 Committees operate under delegation from Council as per Section 355 & Section 377 of the Local Government Act

Section 355(b) states:

“A function of the council may, subject to this Chapter be exercised:…by a committee of the council…”

Council has delegated the management of Maianbar Community Hall, Como School of Arts, Gymea Community Centre, & Sandy Point Community Centre to four separate committees under section 355 of the Local Government Act.

Section 377 outlines the delegations and authorities Council can delegate to S355 Committees.

Under this provision, the Council remains the owner of the asset and has the ultimate responsibility and accountability for effective, efficient and equitable management of Council’s community venue.

Under Section 377 Council cannot delegate: “…the voting of money for expenditure on its works, services or operations…”. This means that committees must seek approval from Council if they intend to expend funds they hold on Council’s behalf.

All agreements, purchases, payments, or other matter arising outside these delegations are required to be forward to Council for review and approval. This is to ensure the integrity and liability of the committee in the operation of the venue.