We have 33 community venues across the Sutherland Shire area. Four venues are operated by volunteer management committees under delegation from Council as permitted under S355 of the Local Government Act.

S355 Committees represent the delegated interests of Council in the community in managing the venue on Council’s behalf. S355 Committees are expected to discharge responsibilities in a transparent and impartial manner in accordance with legislation, relevant Council policies and procedures.

The four S355 Committee managed venues are: Maianbar Community Hall, Como School of Arts, Gymea Community Centre and Sandy Point Community Centre.

S355 Committees are expected to:

  • Manage the community venue (being an asset of the Sutherland Shire Council) for the benefit of the wider community;
  • Ensure the hirers of community venue cater for the recreational, social, educational and welfare needs of residents;
  • Maximise use of the venue by encouraging a range of diverse programs which are culturally rich and provide active and passive recreational opportunities;
  • Facilitate community development by encouraging participation and networking within the local community;
  • Ensure equitable access for residents in terms of social, physical and financial availability;
  • Act in a transparent manner and ensure all decision making is based on fact without prejudice: and
  • Meet all legislative obligations associated with the functions delegated to the Volunteer Management Committee.