
250 Gymea Bay Road, Gymea


  • Bubbler
  • Fenced
  • Parking
  • Playground
  • Scooter / bike path
  • Shade
  • Toilet
  • Accessible play

Old School Park is a popular district level playground and bushland reserve. The park was updated in 2022 with new play equipment, landscaping and softfall.  Play equipment includes activity panels, swings including a basket swing and a double swing, balance logs, accessible inground trampolines and spinner.   Synthetic softfall provides accessibility.  The park backs onto a bushland reserve and is fenced along Gymea Bay Road.

The colourful artwork on the park fence was painted by Bruno Mota.

Facilities include bubbler, accessible amenities block and a shaded picnic shelter perfect for birthday parties.  The park is fenced along Gymea Bay Road.

Large park and playground
Colourful playground
Colourful playground
Play workshop activity panel
View of swing set and leafy reserve
Aerial photo of park