
1A-1C Cronulla Street, Cronulla


  • Fenced
  • Playground
  • Shade
  • Toilet
  • Accessible play

Cronulla Plaza Playgrounds

Cronulla Plaza features three playgrounds.  They are a short walk to Cronulla Central, which contains Cronulla Library, a café and public toilets, including an accessible toilet, and a parent’s room with feeding and changing facilities.

Cronulla Plaza Playgrounds (south)

Our newest playgrounds can be spotted by the colourful diving whale tail and head, reflecting Cronulla's seaside location.  Play equipment at the whale head is designed for toddlers while the tail includes a climbing tower, slides, spinner and surfboard rocker for older children.  The playground has accessible inground trampolines, synthetic softfall and an all-access carousel which can be used by wheelchairs.

We will be closing the whale tail playground whilst we install the permanent shade structure.  This will happen on 30th and 31st January 2025.  Fencing will be placed around the entire site whilst we carry out this work.  We will reopen this playground as soon as works are completed.

These playgrounds are part of the extensive upgrade of Cronulla town centre.

Playground in mall featuring whale tail
Playground in mall featuring whale tail
Carousel and slide in plaza playground
Whale head playground
Whale head playground
view of new circular shade structures

Cronulla Plaza Playground (north)

Located at the Kingsway end of Cronulla Plaza, this play space is fully fenced, with synthetic turf and a shade sail.

Children will enjoy the adventure play fort, with slides, climbing net and activity play.

Free-standing tables and chairs and fixed umbrellas are provided next to the play space so that parents and carers can enjoy a coffee in the sunshine.