State Reforms

Significant planning reforms are proposed by the State to address the current housing crisis. The reforms will facilitate more low and mid-rise housing capacity within walking distance from transport hubs, shops, and amenities. This will allow people to stay in their communities and neighbourhoods through different stages of their life, with family and friends nearby.

A diversity of housing is proposed, including more mid-rise six storey flats in immediate proximity to centres, and greater low rise housing adjoining centres – including more dense manor houses (small flat buildings), multi dwelling development, terraces, and dual occupancies.

More information is available at the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure website.

Council considered this matter at its meeting of 19 February 2024.

Why must Sutherland Shire accommodate more housing?


The Local Strategic Planning Statement outlines Council’s long-term planning strategy for Sutherland Shire.

(We are also bound by various state government directions and plans, some of which apply to the items below.)

Housing Strategy sets out how Council intends to meet the housing needs of the community.

Precinct Planning enables communities to shape the future of their local centres.


Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) specify land zoning and regulate its use and development.

Development Control Plans (DCPs) provide the specific requirements for development.

Specifications offer technical guidance on specific development types and other matters.

Planning Proposals are applications to amend the LEP.

Register of Variations to Development Standards records applications approved under Clause 4.6 of the LEP.

Development Contributions

Development Contribution Plans fund community infrastructure by levying developments.

The Development Contributions Register records the money collected from the above levies.

Planning Agreements specify the community benefits to be provided by developers.


Development on Heritage Properties details how the planning system affects heritage-listed items.

Heritage Item and Property Information provides information about heritage-listed items.

Heritage Grants assist with the conservation of heritage buildings or items, as well as original publications documenting the heritage of Sutherland Shire.