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A Planning Proposal has been lodged by Besmaw Pty Ltd for land at 251, 278, 280-282 and 260R Captain Cook Drive, Kurnell. A link to their website can be found here. The Planning Proposal encompasses 210 hectares and seeks to create a suburban community with a mix of residential housing, including seniors and aged care accommodation options, and a range of commercial, tourism, recreational and cultural opportunities.

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015 (SSLEP2015) to allow for the development of the proposed suburban community.

The submitted Planning Proposal documents and Frequently Asked Questions are provided below.

How will this planning proposal be assessed?

This is a significant Planning Proposal with multiple stages of assessment that are undertaken by Council and State Government agencies, as outlined below. The dark blue highlight shows the stage the Planning Proposal is at currently.

Draft Assessment Flow Chart Image

Once submitted, Council undertakes an assessment of the strategic and site-specific merit of the Planning Proposal.

This preliminary assessment stage of the Planning Proposal checks that the proposal is clear and that all necessary studies have been undertaken. Council also consults with experts and government agencies to ensure all environmental and planning matters have been adequately addressed. Advice from the Sutherland Shire Local Planning Panel will be sought.

The preliminary assessment will inform Council’s position. If there is sufficient strategic and site specific merit the elected Council will submit the Planning Proposal to the State Government Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (The Department). The Department will also consider the Proposal and whether all of the necessary information is available. If supported, the Department will issue an approval to undertake community consultation.

If Council does not progress the Proposal, the applicant may appeal to the State for further consideration of the Proposal.

When can I provide input?

This Proposal represents a significant change to the local area and a formal period of community consultation makes up an important part of the assessment process. Community consultation will only occur following an approval from the Department.

Please register for Join the Conversation to be kept up to date with all current Council consultations and be notified of the community consultation period for this proposal.

Please note, public submissions on this proposal will only be accepted by Council during the formal community consultation period.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Planning Proposal seeks to create a new suburban community including housing (apartments, townhouses, seniors housing, and aged care), commercial uses, tourism, community and cultural facilities, and open space. Details of the Planning Proposal are in the below links.

The Planning Proposal documentation can be found below.

The applicant’s Proposal indicates it will likely be delivered in stages over a period of approximately 10-20 years.

A Visual Impact Assessment has been submitted by the applicant and is available within the documents section on this page. This includes images illustrating the projected view from surrounding areas.

The applicant has submitted reports detailing potential impacts to traffic and parking. The applicant has proposed to duplicate and/or widen Captain Cook Drive.  This will be considered as part of the assessment process.

The applicant's submitted Planning Proposal documentation does not include 4WD access to the beach. Any feedback relating to future beach access can be submitted during the formal consultation period.

Questions relating to current 4WD access should be directed to the Holt Estate.

The applicant’s Proposal includes a draft Masterplan, which sets out a potential design for the site. The draft Masterplan includes a mix of housing (apartments, townhouses, seniors housing, and aged care), between 2 and 12 storeys. Affordable housing is proposed to make up 7.5% of the residential dwellings. The Proposal includes substantial tourism accommodation and a town centre precinct. Opportunities to recognise Indigenous culture include a cultural trail, nursery, and integration of living artefacts. A large part of the site will be used for open space – including eight local parks, three district parks, and a pedestrian bridge crossing Captain Cook Drive. The site will provide capacity for a school site and new community spaces. Two separate public car parks are proposed.

In developing this Masterplan, the applicant has undertaken consultation with the State Design Review Panel (SDRP), facilitated by the NSW Government Architect, which assisted to develop the applicant’s guiding vision statement and principles.

The application proposes a range of amenities and facilities to benefit the community:

  • Land for a school
  • Monetary contributions for public transport, upgrades to traffic intersections, upgrades to Wanda Reserve (active transport connection and emergency access)
  • Widening of Captain Cook Drive
  • Environmental conservation works
  • Land dedication of beachfront
  • Community facility
  • Cultural facility
  • Affordable housing and indigenous seniors housing
  • Indigenous heritage works
  • SES Depot
  • Surf Life Saving Facility
  • Local and district open space
  • Regional parks/managed lands, regional walkways and cycleways
  • Public car parking spaces

The applicant is Besmaw Pty Ltd. A link to their website is here.

Planning Proposal Documents