Council are not currently accepting any new applications to put Textile Recycling Bins on Council land.
Eligible textile recycling bins can:
- only be placed on Council-owned car parks
- must not reduce high-demand spaces
- must not obstruct any access way or parking place.
Textile reycling bins are not allowed in:
- park and reserves
- public footpaths and roadways.
Any illegal dumping around the bins should be reported directly to the bin operators, you will be able to find their contact details listed on the bins.
17R - 37R Liverpool Street
340R Kingsway
376 - 378 Port Hacking Road
7 Mackay Street
1 - 9 Miyal Place
116R Caldarra Avenue
34 Achilles Road
46 - 50 South Street
42A Railway Crescent
88R Como Road
28 Rawson Avenue
123 - 125 Flora Street
70R Prices Circuit
67a Warrangarree Drive
Eligible textile recycling bin operators must pay a license fee to use Council land. You will receive an invoice yearly when your licence is renewed.
We charge a fee for commercial operators and a reduced fee for not-for-profit or charity organisations.
Visit our Fees and Charges webpage for fees.