A Frame approval is given under Section 139 of the Roads Act 1993.

The current-frame approval period is for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026, approvals are valid for up to a two year period.  All approvals will expire 30 June 2026, regardless of when you apply.

To apply for permission for a business to use our footpaths for A-frame signage, you should complete an A-Frame signage permit application with the following information:

  • A copy of your current public liability insurance certificate for a minimum cover of $10 million.

A-Frame signage permit application


Eligible businesses must be located in one of the following zones:

  • E1 Local Centre
  • E2 Commercial Centre

Search your property address in Shire Maps to find out if your business is eligible.  You must change the filter from "Aerial Layer" to "Planning/Zoning" and then search your address to find your zone.

You can view this video to see how to alter different layers in Shire Maps.

A Frames are exempt from the requirement for a Development Application if it complies with the provisions of Schedule 2 Exempt Development, SSLEP2015.

Visit Shire Maps and insert your property address

Approval is provided to applications that allow the safe and free movement of pedestrians along the footpath.

Signage can only be placed on the footpath directly outside of the business it is advertising.

Each shopfront may have an A-frame, however if multiple businesses are sharing one entry point, only one A-frame will be permitted.


The current financial year fee for an a-frame permit is $340.

Permit conditions

  • A-frames can only be displayed between 7:00am-10:00pm.
  • Only 1 a-frame permitted per shopfront, if a business has multiple shop fronts, a maximum of 2 a-frame signs is permitted.

A-frame permitted locations

  • immediately against the storefront.
  • 600mm set back from the kerb of the road.
  • 3 metres from the shopfront under the edge line of the awning in Cronulla Plaza and other full pedestrianised streets.