Flying-foxes feeding at night can have a considerable impact on the surrounding residential areas.
Our community have let us know that when flying-foxes feed on Cocos Palm fruit, they cause increased noise, mess and odour.
We also consider Cocos Palm (otherwise known as Queen Palm or Syargus romanzoffiana) to be an environmental weed and a threat to our native wildlife.
You can remove Cocos Palms without Council approval - find out more by downloading our fact sheet - PDF - 3052 KB.
We have allocated some grant funds in 2023 to support residents living adjacent to the Camellia Gardens and Kareela flying-fox camps to remove Cocos Palms.
If you live within eligible distance of a flying-fox camp, you may apply for a subsidy of up to $1,000 to help fund the removal of your Cocos Palms:
- within 300m of Kareela flying-fox camp
- within 600m of the Camellia Gardens flying-fox camp.
Please refer to the maps below to see whether your property is eligible.
Camellia Gardens Cocos Palm Removal Subsidy 600 metre catchment
Kareela Cocos Palm Removal Subsidy 300 metre catchment